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Blog 丨 2023.02.15

Winning Over Your Target Consumers: A Cannabis Vaporizer’s Most Remarkable Design Ideas and Technologies

Since the legalization of cannabis for medical and recreational use, the consumer base keeps growing and getting more diverse and educated each day. Instead of physical appearance, the primary factors that most consumers look for in a cannabis product are its portability, cleanliness, health benefits, and functionality. Therefore, cannabis brands should focus on delivering these values through their products to become top-of-mind in the cannabis industry.

Know the cananbis consumer segments better to identify your target consumers

While the fundamental needs of cannabis consumers are similar, each consumer segment still has unique traits you should be aware of. By comprehending their characteristics, you will be able to construct a plan before launching your cannabis products and how to market them in the most intriguing approach. So, let’s dive deeper into the cannabis consumer segments for you to identify which persona coincides with your target consumers best!

Cilicon Innovative cannabis vape

#1 Adults

This consumer segment is the most likely to be influenced by peers when purchasing cannabis products. Especially those former nicotine e-cigarettes consumers possess a greater chance to transition into cannabis vaping. Why is that the case? The primary reason is that the vape devices for nicotine and cannabis are relatively effortless to conceal than other consumption tools or methods, contributing to the higher rate of recreational users in this category.

#2 Infrequent or Occasional Consumers

This type of consumer usually begins consuming cannabis out of curiosity. They occasionally join the hype when they hang around those with similar interests. This segment is also the least likely to purchase a cannabis product themselves. Interestingly, the occasional consumer segment makes up the most considerable portion of all cannabis consumers!

#3 Engaged explorers

This consumer segment significantly promotes growth for the cannabis industry as they enjoy trying out numerous cannabis products in the market. They habitually seek new stores or dispensaries in town to purchase the latest cannabis products and are responsive to any cannabis-related trends.
Some products that may appeal to this consumer segment include unique products, such as cannabis-infused beverages, solventless concentrates, and various cannabis vaporizer types from different brands. In fact, they are always on a journey to discover the most quintessential cannabis vape device that can elevate their cannabis vaping experience.

#4 Contemporary cannabis consumers

While being less explorative than the engaged users, contemporary cannabis consumers similarly possess the characteristic of a loyalist. Therefore, we can categorize them as the daily driver of the cannabis industry, amplified by the fact that they do not hesitate to spend a big chunk of their cash to get their hands on a cannabis product. Therefore, cannabis brands must watch out for contemporary consumer preferences! They may become your most lucrative segment despite only accounting for a tiny fragment of the total number of cannabis consumers.

#5 Modern medical patients

This consumer segment is considered a non-recreational cannabis user. They consume cannabis solely to gain health benefits, such as alleviating the symptoms of anxiety, inflammation, and gastrointestinal disorders. As the reason for consumption arises out of necessity, modern medical patients are highly likely to become regular consumers. However, their purchase patterns will not be as robust as the contemporary nor engaged users.

How can you launch a cannabis vape device that stands out among the crowd?

As we discover the leading segments of cannabis consumers, we can jump into one of the most sought-after cannabis products that apply to all personas, the cannabis vaporizer. As briefly mentioned, a cannabis vape device offers a highly discreet cannabis consumption lifestyle due to its compact body. Along with its user-friendly operation, the cannabis vaporizer quickly rises to the top of the pyramid.

Cilicon LIT2

While the demand for cannabis vaporizers continues to grow, the number of cannabis vaporizer brands has also increased along with the trend. Therefore, it is mandatory for you to differentiate your products from your competitors. So, let’s get to how you can launch a cannabis vape device that stands out among the crowd!

#1 Showcase your cannabis vape brand value through a meaningful design

A great design should be relatable to your target audience. Be careful when choosing the colors and shapes of your cannabis vape device, as it represents your brand identity! Cilicon curates some in-demand design ideas with different messaging you can incorporate into your products.

a. Include green and white in your cannabis vaporizer color options

The color green and white often represents tranquility. It communicates how your brand aims to ensure security for the consumers. This safety issue plays a significant role in this industry as the consumers trust the device you manufacture to breathe substance into their lungs!

b. Functional and compact design

This design idea promotes convenience and ignites the youthful spirit of your brand as the young user segment usually prioritizes superficial product design and functionality. The type of cannabis vaporizer that fits this criterion is the pod-system cannabis vaporizer.
This cannabis vaporizer variant has become the go-to device for many young users because of its low maintenance requirements. In fact, the pod-system cannabis vaporizer consists of a low-priced replaceable pod and a long-lasting battery component. In addition, the pen-like shape can also carry more vaporizing technologies than its disposable counterpart with a similar body.

Refer to: The Ultimate Guideline to Launch A Premium THC Vape Pod Product Line

c. Play with colors

If your target market is youngsters or female cannabis consumers, you can attempt to provide them with a wide range of color choices. This consumer segment cares more about how they appear in the public’s eyes. Therefore, they tend to select the color that represents their personality to make them stand out in a non-obtrusive way.

d. Stay on-trend

As a brand owner, you must keep updated with recent trends as the most attractive design comes from actualizing consumers’ voices. For instance, if consumers aspire for a broader or thicker cannabis vape device, the job of your product designer is to create a design that can fulfill this request while preserving the device’s handiness.

#2 Embed top-notch technologies that elevate the cannabis vaping experience

The ability to pack various features in a tiny device will make your cannabis vape device go a long way in the market. By envisioning this design strategy, you will fulfill the cannabis consumers’ need for a sophisticated device that does not sacrifice physical appearance. Avoid bulky add-ons on your device at all costs!
The remaining question is what kind of technology cannabis consumers strive for. In one sentence, cannabis consumers are looking for a device that can optimally heat the viscous cannabis oil to deliver a consistent and smooth vapor with an unadulterated flavor. Now, let Cilicon share some of our notable breakthroughs and other rapidly rising features that can help present an ideal cannabis vaping experience for the consumers!

Refer to: What is the Ideal Cannabis Vaporizer to Launch at each Stage of Business Development

a. The Biobaleen™ Technology

This innovative technology effectively solves the spit-back issue that often occurs after long-term usage or faulty design. We take inspiration from how whales separate big fishes from the other small fishes and sediments with their filter-feeding system called baleen. It is a generational leap of filter silicone cap designed in a brush form using medical-grade silicone to serve as the filter cleaner for vaporizers to minimize inhaling harmful substances from the remaining cannabis oil residue. This technology also comes with dual filling holes that can help increase cost-effectivity as it bypasses the cannabis oil filling process failures.

Disposable Vape ELEV Box4

b. The revamped ceramic heating core technology, Reoregin™

The heating core is considered the main driver component of a cannabis vaporizer and is usually made of ceramic. What makes our ceramic heating core different from the others? Cilicon’s ceramic heating core is specially produced with Reoregin™ technology that establishes a special microporous structure. Once combining Cilicon’s exclusive mesh heating coil with matched ceramic porosity, every scent molecule in the cannabis oil becomes available to all, letting people discover the most original taste of cannabis oil with full ingredients, while driving a faster vaporizing process.

Cilicon Reoregin Tech
c. Bluetooth and voice recognition capabilities

These extra features will boost your cannabis vaping experience as they let you completely control your cannabis vape device. With voice command, you can set your device’s heating temperature and power wattage from afar. Meanwhile, the Bluetooth-connected application in your phone will provide you with an auto shut-off option, dosage monitoring dashboard, battery level alerts, lock mechanism, and many more. The amount of control will indeed become limitless as these technologies advance! The intellectual function is still being developed by Cilicon and will be launched in the future.

Cilicon’s expertise will help you thrive in the cannabis vaporizer industry

Cilicon has just the most proficient team to help you actualize your vision of answering the consumer’s needs for front lining technologies and great design in a cannabis vaporizer. You can create your unique cannabis vaporizer design with your selected technologies, shapes, and colors that fit your target consumer’s criteria. Guarantee that the cannabis vaporizers you manufacture with us will blow the cannabis users’ minds and lead you to become the market leader in the cannabis vaporizer industry!

You can browse on Cilicon official website and contact us to get more information about this partnership opportunity. We are excited to hear from you soon!
