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Blog 丨 2023.04.11

Tailoring your CBD Vaporizers to Get on Top of Your Competition

The landscape and opportunities in the CBD vaporizer market

The cannabis market is currently one of the most promising business sectors globally. This revelation is attributed to more and more places legalizing cannabis use. Even though it was primarily for medical purposes, several states have allowed the recreational use of cannabis. Nevertheless, the growth rate of cannabis demand becomes inevitable and will become a new opportunity for business owners. Proven by how many brands have begun to stretch their hands to this segment, the cannabis market is only getting more crowded, elevating the competitive landscape to a new level.

If you’re willing to tap this golden opportunity. Cilicon is here to guide you through the essentials and how you can begin your cannabis business journey the right way!

First up is that you must comprehend cannabis as a product itself. Several cannabis variants are readily available in the market. So, what are those? Which one should you choose for your newly established business?

The two main divisions of cannabis are CBD and THC. The differences between these two cannabis types are their effects on the human body. CBD is considered the most acceptable cannabis type by the law and the public’s eyes due to how it does not inflict any intoxication effect. Meanwhile, THC is proven to be the more potent cannabis variant, potentially causing cannabis users to experience high sensations. However, most commercial cannabis is actually a mix between THC and CBD in different ratios. The current regulatory landscape tightens its grip on THC by only allowing 0.3% of THC to be legally distributed to consumers.

The factors above contribute to the fact that the CBD market has expanded rapidly. As opposed to only being legalized in the US and Canada, CBD use has also been permitted in several countries in Asia, such as South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Israel, and many others. With industrial hemp production for medical purposes gradually spreading, the CBD legalization process continues to speed up in Asia. This is a massive development for the cannabis market as Asia is the largest and most populous continent hosting more than 4.1 billion people. Your opportunity to grab this propitious audience becomes limitless when you can deliver the right cannabis products and catch their attention!

While the demand for cannabis has grown impressively, you must always put at heart that the competition between cannabis businesses has also become harsher than ever.

Therefore, after deciding on the cannabis variant, the next step will be to determine what product you want to distribute. Many cannabis products are available in the market, such as cannabis joints, edibles, and, one of the most recent ones, cannabis vaporizers. Each method provides pros and cons for cannabis consumers. For instance, cannabis joints keep their popularity as it resembles nicotine cigarettes that most people are familiar with. The utilization of joints is majorly affected by how it is made out to be ritualistic when people roll their joints, burn, and smoke them.

Conversely, cannabis vaporizers are the trendier cannabis consumption methods that eliminate some cons of smoking joints, such as involving risky external combustion and creating a heavy odor. Cannabis vaporizers utilize a heating element to expose high temperatures to cannabis oil and transform it into cannabis vapor, meaning consumers do not need a lighter. After usage, it does not produce any smell that stands out within the crowd. Additionally, the cannabis vaporizer comes in a compact body that is effortlessly concealable. Many cannabis vaporizers have also been embedded with fundamental technological advancements like dosage and temperature control that can assist consumers in controlling their daily intake precisely.
disposable vapes glist air1

The only momentary downside with cannabis vaporizer use is its relatively higher upfront purchase costs. However, this cost will only go down if the consumers maintain their cannabis vape device properly, leaving the cannabis users with fewer expenses going forward!

The cannabis vaporizer, with all its goodies, ultimately level up cannabis-consuming games, making this product the potential dominator of the cannabis industry!

The current CBD vaporizer problems

You have heard all the fine things that come with cannabis vaporizers. However, many substandard products in the market still cannot deal with the typical problems occurring in a cannabis vape device for CBD oil. What are those problems? Cilicon is here to break them down for you!

#1 CBD oil leakage issue

CBD vaporizers often face leaks for several reasons, including product design flaws, inappropriate filling processes, and product storage and shipping conditions.
The product design flaw is related to the material choices and the assembly process of a CBD vaporizer. For instance, as CBD oil comes in different viscosities, implementing an improperly-sized intake hole will trigger the leaking problem. A thick CBD oil requires a larger intake hole to accommodate sufficient and constant cannabis vaping experience.
vape leaking
During the CBD oil filling process, several unwanted scenarios may cause a CBD vaporizer to leak. Such scenarios include overfilling CBD vaporizer cartridges that will accelerate the occurrence of CBD oil leaking while being used by consumers. Other common problems are human errors, especially when manufacturers rely heavily on human labor to fill in their CBD vaporizers. The operator may incorrectly inject the CBD oil into the central post instead of the oil tank. Moreover, inexperienced workers may not yet be aware of the crucial timing between the CBD oil filling stage and the capping process. When the resting duration between these two stages is prolonged, the risk of CBD oil leakage also multiplies as it allows airflow to enter the oil tank.
After the production stage, a manufacturer should pay attention to their CBD vape device’s storage and shipping conditions. For instance, a CBD vaporizer stored in a high-temperature environment is more prone to the leaking issue. Why is that the case? The exposure of CBD oil to heat will liquefy the CBD oil, making the CBD oil less viscous and promoting a slight increase in volume. Thus, it elevates the risk of CBD oil leakage to the roof. Meanwhile, improper handling, such as placing the box containing the CBD vaporizers upside down, can also happen during shipping.
While the CBD oil leakage problem is challenging to eliminate, a superior manufacturer will be able to come up with an unrivaled product design to prevent this issue from occurring extensively and prematurely. This is especially important in the cannabis vaporizer than the nicotine e-cigarette industry because cannabis is at a much higher price range. You want to prevent consumers from wasting their valuable CBD oil!

#2 CBD oil clogging problem

This second issue has been prevailing in the cannabis vaporizer industry for ages. The clogging problem occurs when a CBD vaporizer is exposed to a low-temperature environment, has an irregular airflow pathway, and utilizes a substandard heating core component.
vape airflow pathway
In contrast with the leaking problem, a lower temperature will cause the CBD oil to solidify around the air inlet hole and prevent it from adequately vaporizing the rest of the CBD oil inside the tank. When coupled with a poor-quality heating core, the poor vaporizing performance will only enhance the chance of the CBD oil being imperfectly heated. Meanwhile, a long and irregular pathway will risk the CBD vapor from cooling down during the transmission, sticking to the surface of the pathway, and ultimately clogging the CBD vaporizer.

Refer to: Cilicon Solutions to Vape Clogging Problem

#3 Inaccurate dose control function

Even though the dose control function has grown to be more and more common in many CBD vaporizers, the implementation is not always precise between brands. The dose control function can become a primary selling point if only it can accurately measure the volume of CBD oil vaporized.
The reason for its importance is that cannabis consumers should be aware of how much cannabinoids enter their bodies. Too much CBD may cause consumers to experience side effects like diarrhea, vomiting, or drowsiness. Meanwhile, consuming less CBD than required will not get consumers to achieve their desired impacts, ending up wasting their CBD oil. Thus, tuning the precision of a dose control function in a CBD vaporizer should be a priority as it helps consumers to be sure about when to continue and halt their cannabis consumption in a day!

#4 Vaporizer material safety concerns

As a CBD vaporizer manufacturer, you will be presented with plenty of materials to construct each product component. The most critical criterion is to go for scientifically-proven safe materials. You want to avoid delivering CBD vaporizers that will deteriorate the user’s health over time. For instance, if you utilize non-medical grade metal for the components in contact with the CBD oil and vapor, you will risk the consumers from inhaling heavy metals. These hazardous ingredients are released as the CBD vaporizer activates the heating element, exposing the metal components to high temperatures. Remember to put consumer safety first if you plan to stay in the industry long-term!

Sourcing your CBD vaporizers from a credible and reliable supplier to deliver a superior customer experience.

As a business owner, you must have realized that planning is one of the most crucial steps before launching a product. However, even if your plan is flawless, when you partner with an irresponsible manufacturer or supplier, your effort will only go down the drain!

Therefore, we encourage you to take your time to discover the most credible suppliers you can trust to produce your CBD vaporizer. Find one to assist you in the following:

#1 Create a CBD vaporizer with distinctive branding characteristics.

The typical CBD vaporizers come in a small package and pen-like shape. Creating a distinctive CBD vaporizer design may help you establish a unique branding that makes you stand out among your competitors. Thus, you need to find a flexible manufacturing partner capable of actualizing the representation you made based on your customer audience’s preferences.
In building your brand as a CBD vaporizer business, you must be creative in determining your brand’s voice. You can start aligning your communication and marketing strategy after deciding how your want to be perceived by your customers. You need to stay consistent with your branding to earn credibility and trustworthiness!

#2 Produce high-quality CBD vaporizers.

The quality of a CBD vaporizer lies in the choices of materials constructing the device and the technological breakthroughs embedded in it. You must ensure that you pick the safest materials you can get your hands on, like medical-grade metal, that hinders the users from any future harm. Do not just trust the material description; always go above and beyond by asking for the evidence behind those claims!
We also recommend exercising extra efforts to seek suppliers that can provide you with technological breakthroughs to overcome common cannabis vaporizer problems like leakage, clogging, and more, ensuring an otherworldly cannabis vaping experience for the consumers.

#3 Pursuing continuous innovation

While partnering with a supplier offering high-quality CBD vaporizers is a mission accomplished, you also need to assess how they prioritize continuous development in their business practice. Aside from addressing the current problems of CBD vaporizers, they must possess some degree of adaptability whenever the new needs of customers arise. This becomes especially prevalent in the ever-changing cannabis industry. Be it product design or technology, the manufacturer should be able to innovate to help you earn customer reliance and trust.

Cilicon debuts as your trustworthy CBD vaporizer manufacturing partner.

Through our years of experience in the cannabis vaporizer industry, we have earned the trust of many famous cannabis brands across the globe with our premium-quality cannabis vaporizers. We covered everything from beginning the production stage to marketing your exclusive CBD vaporizer!
cilicon brand

Our Original Design Manufacturing (ODM) team is ready to actualize your vision of a uniquely-shaped cannabis vaporizer constructed with carefully-selected materials. Quality-wise, we are extremely strict in selecting the materials for our CBD vaporizers. Our choices fall on medical-grade 316L stainless steel to eliminate the heavy metal precipitation risk and top-of-the-line ceramic heating core materials.

Cilicon is also ahead of the competition in terms of technological advancements. Our research and development team has developed several breakthroughs to address common CBD vaporizer problems. Our technology includes but is not limited to the following four advancements.

#1 Oil IsolationTM Technology

The Oil IsolationTM technology is a patented feature that separates the cannabis vaporizer’s oil inlet from the CBD oil tank. By moving the CBD vaporizer’s oil inlet hole away from the oil tank, we have omitted the opening from which the CBD oil may leak due to airflow interaction. After the oil-filing process is done, operators will only push the metal holder and mouthpiece simultaneously during the capping process, and the oil inlet hole will appear through the silicone seal at the bottom of the central tube into the oil tank. This process allows the CBD oil to establish contact with the ceramic heating core only when the CBD vaporizer is sealed off and avoids any CBD oil gurgling out from the oil tank during the resting time. Extending the resting time for the capping process spurs operators’ productivity, which translates to a higher production cycle and lower labor costs.

#2 SpacxfillTM Technology

The SpacxfillTM technology improves the efficiency of the CBD oil cartridge filling process by sealing the silicone plug with the fixated mouthpiece and creating an entirely new oil-filling method. This technology expands the width of the oil injection space, freeing up the entire oil filling area around the oil chamber except for the central tube to minimize the oil drops and leakage resulting in oil wastage.

#3 DuairTM Technology

The DuairTM Technology implements a dual airflow design invented to solve the CBD oil clogging issue. Traditionally, most CBD vaporizers contain only one vaporizing channel from the oil chamber to the heating device and into the airway before releasing the vapor to users. Hence, when the only vaporizing channel encounters an oil-clogging issue, it becomes inoperable automatically.

With this Technology, the vaporizing channel and the electrical breathing-actuated channel are separated to prevent users from facing a deadlock situation. When the viscous CBD oil clogs around the micropores of the ceramic heating core due to a lower temperature, cannabis users can easily switch on the secondary Electrical Breathing-Actuated Channel that activates the switch signaling the heating core to melt the solidified oil obstructing the air inlet.

#4 FormatrixTM Ceramic Heating Technology

Ceramic is one of the best heating core materials due to its inert attribute, which does not chemically contaminate CBD oil. It also possesses a high melting point, excellent thermal conductivity, and corrosion resistance.

Cilicon surpasses expectations by coupling premium-quality ceramic materials with top-notch technology to produce a compact micropore ceramic core. By pairing it with an Alchrome (Iron-Chromium-Aluminum) FeCrAl electric resistance heating coil, we ensure that you will have the best heating core that distinguishes your CBD vaporizer in the cannabis market. It can withstand high-temperature dissolution of up to 1200°C and has undergone 20,000+ tests, proving its success in distributing heat consistently. With this mind-blowing technology, your CBD vaporizer will be able to deliver the luscious flavor of the original cannabis oil to establish a heavenly stimulating cannabis vaping experience for consumers.

We have other technologies on our hands and in development necessary for you to build an astonishing CBD vaporizer exclusively for your brand. Let’s connect quickly to reserve your spot as the leading CBD vaporizer brand!
