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Dropped Vape in Water: Will it Explode? Exploring the Consequences

Elara Trent

Written by: Elara Trent

Updated on January 28, 2024

Dropped Vape in Water: Will it Explode? Exploring the Consequences

Have you ever wondered what happens if you drop your vape in water? The consequences can be concerning, especially considering the electronic components involved.

Whether it’s a disposable vape or a more complex electronic device, water poses a significant risk to its functionality and safety. When a vaping device falls into water, the electric components may come into contact with moisture, potentially leading to malfunctions or even hazardous situations like explosions.

This guide highlights the effects of dropping a disposable vape in water and explores the risks associated with electronic devices encountering moisture. Continue reading better to protect yourself and your devices from potential harm!

What are Disposable Vape Devices?

A girl choose Right Disposable Vape Pen

Disposable vape devices are simple and convenient alternatives to refillable vapes. Unlike a refillable vape, which requires filling the vape tank with e-liquid, disposable vapes come pre-filled with e-liquid.

You don’t need to worry about refilling the e-liquid or dealing with messy spills. Disposable vapes are designed for one-time use and are usually discarded once the e-liquid runs out or the battery dies.

Inside a disposable vape device, you’ll find internal components such as the battery compartment and the vape tank, which holds the e-liquid.

The battery powers the device and heats up the e-liquid, turning it into vapor for inhalation. Because disposable vapes are pre-filled and pre-charged, they’re ready to use straight out of the packaging, making them convenient for beginners or users who prefer a hassle-free vaping experience.

The Role of Lithium-Ion Batteries in Vaping Devices

Lithium-ion batteries are electrical components that power the entire device. In some vape devices, the battery is removable; in others, it’s built into the device and not meant to be removed. The battery provides the energy needed to heat the e-liquid and produce vapor for inhalation.

However, it’s important to handle these batteries carefully. Extra heat or a short circuit can cause them to malfunction or even explode.

For safety, purchasing batteries from reputable sources, such as a renowned vape store, and following proper usage and storage guidelines is recommended.

The Chemistry Behind Vape Explosions

Knowing the technicality of vape explosions is essential, especially if a disposable vape falls into the water. When a vape device gets wet, like from exposure to water, its internal components, including the vape liquid and absorbent filler material, can start absorbing moisture.

This can make the vape wet or soggy, affecting its performance and safety. Water exposure can also compromise the integrity of the device, even if it claims to be water-resistant.

As moisture infiltrates the device, it may lead to a short circuit or excessive heat buildup, increasing the risk of explosion. Therefore, handling vaping devices with care, especially when near water, is crucial to prevent accidents and ensure personal safety.

What Happens When a Vape Falls in Water?

When you accidentally drop your vape in water, it’s crucial to act quickly to prevent potential hazards. The consequences can vary depending on the type of vape device and the extent of water exposure.

Disposable vapes and those with removable batteries may react differently to water exposure. Here’s what happens in different circumstances:

1. Disposable Vapes

These vapes are typically designed for one-time use and aren’t meant to be opened or serviced. If a disposable vape falls into water, it can quickly absorb moisture through its exterior casing, causing the vaping device to become soggy.

The water can also seep into the absorbent filler material inside the vape, further compromising its integrity.

In such cases, the electric components within the disposable vape may malfunction due to water mixing with the liquid or coming into contact with the battery. As a result, the disposable vape may stop functioning altogether, rendering it unusable.

2. Vapes with Removable Batteries

Vape devices that feature removable batteries can pose additional risks when exposed to water. Water entering the battery compartment can directly contact the electronic components, increasing the likelihood of a short circuit.

The water may also mix with the vape liquid, creating a potentially hazardous situation. In such instances, it’s essential to act quickly to minimize damage.

Remove the battery from the device and dry both the battery and the vape thoroughly. However, even with prompt action, there’s still a risk of irreversible damage to the components.

In What Circumstances Does a Disposable Vape Explodes?

While disposable vapes are convenient, they are not immune to risks. Understanding the circumstances under which a disposable vape may explode is crucial for user safety.

1. Water Exposure and Explosion Risk

If a disposable vape accidentally falls into water, the risk of explosion increases. Water can penetrate the device, reaching any critical electronic component and the battery. This can lead to a short circuit or excessive heat, resulting in a potential explosion.

2. The Role of Removable Batteries

Some disposable vapes come with removable batteries. If these batteries get wet, there’s an increased risk of malfunction. Water can compromise the battery’s integrity, making it more susceptible to issues that may lead to an explosion.

3. Absorption of Moisture

The filler material in disposable vapes can exacerbate the explosion risk. As it absorbs moisture from water exposure, it may contribute to changes in the device’s internal environment, increasing the likelihood of malfunctions and potential explosions.

Vape Juice Composition and Its Effects

Vape juice, or e-liquid, contains several ingredients, including propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavorings, and nicotine (if desired). These ingredients are mixed to create the vapor that users inhale.

However, when exposed to water, vape juice can react unpredictably, potentially increasing the risk of a vape explosion. Water can mix with the vape juice, altering its composition and affecting its ability to vaporize properly.

This alteration may lead to a short circuit or extensive heat buildup within the vape device, increasing the likelihood of an explosion.

Steps to Take If a Vape Falls in Water

If you accidentally drop your vape in water, don’t panic. Follow these simple steps to minimize damage and potentially save your device:

  1. Retrieve the Vape Quickly: As soon as you notice your vape has fallen into the water, retrieve it promptly. The longer it stays submerged, the higher the risk of damage.
  2. Remove the Battery (if possible): Take it out immediately if your vape has a removable battery. This prevents the risk of a short circuit and further damage to the device.
  3. Dry the Exterior: Use a clean paper towel or a lint-free cloth to dry the exterior of the vape gently. Wipe away any visible water droplets to prevent them from seeping into the device.
  4. Shake Out Excess Water: Carefully shake the vape to remove excess water from the exterior and openings. Be gentle to avoid causing further damage.
  5. Air Dry: Place the vape in a dry and well-ventilated area to air dry naturally. Avoid using heat sources like a blow dryer, as it can damage the components.
  6. Use the Rice Method (Optional): If your vape is particularly wet or soggy, you can try the rice method. Place the device in a container filled with dry rice, which helps absorb moisture. Leave it for 24-48 hours to allow the rice to absorb moisture.
  7. Monitor for Signs of Damage: After the vape has dried completely, inspect it for any damage or malfunction. Look for water residue or corrosion on the battery contacts and electronic components.
  8. Test the Device: Once you’re confident the vape is dry and free of damage, reassemble it and test its functionality. Check if it turns on, heats up properly, and produces vapor as usual.
  9. Seek Professional Help if Necessary: If you notice any unusual behavior or malfunction after drying the vape, seek professional assistance from a vape manufacturer or technician. They can assess the extent of the damage and recommend repairs or replacements if needed.

Ensuring Safety in Disposable Vape Usage

To ensure safety when using disposable vapes, follow these simple tips:

  • Keep Vape Away from Water: Avoid exposing your disposable vape to water to prevent it from becoming soggy or malfunctioning.
  • Avoid Dropping: Be careful not to drop your disposable vape, which can damage the components and affect its performance.
  • Store Properly: Store your disposable vape in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture to maintain its quality.
  • Dispose Properly: When your disposable vape is empty, dispose of it properly according to local regulations to prevent environmental contamination.

Importance of Proper Disposal of Disposable Vapes

Proper disposal of disposable vapes is crucial for ensuring safety and environmental responsibility. Here’s why it matters:

1. Preventing Accidents

Damaged disposable vapes, like those soaked in water, pose safety hazards due to potential malfunctions and overheating. Proper disposal minimizes the risks of accidents.

2. Avoiding Contamination

Incorrect disposal of disposable vapes can harm the environment. When tossed in regular trash, they may release harmful chemicals into landfills. Recycling and using designated disposal facilities prevent environmental damage.

3. Promoting Recycling

Recycling disposable vapes conserves resources by reusing batteries and circuits. This reduces the need for raw materials and supports a sustainable economy.


Dropping your vape in water can have serious consequences, including potential explosions. The interaction between water and electronic components poses significant risks, jeopardizing both personal safety and environmental well-being.

Remember, safety should always be a top priority when handling vaping devices, and proactive measures can go a long way in preventing accidents and protecting both individuals and the environment.

Elara Trent
All-in-one Disposable